Network Architecture

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SMS Gateway Solutions

Forest Interactive Gateway Solutions are for clients with their own applications and content, and are serious on having their own shortcode. These are usually companies who have had a previous shared shortcode or are interested to become aggregators. Clients who need mass-market distribution messaging into any of these countries:-

Asia (5 Countries)
Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei
Europe (9 Countries)
United Kingdom, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden and Norway
Forest SMS Gateway allows clients to have direct connection to the Message Engine. Available over the internet via either http or XML, Forest SMS Gateway gives businesses the ability to add mobile messaging capabilities to their own applications without incurring the infrastructure costs of directly connecting to mobile networks.

Maximum Coverage
Gateway Solutions provides quality guaranteed, mass-market messaging and billing to 550+ million consumers across 14 countries supporting Standard Rate MT, Premium SMS and MT Reverse Billing at industry-beating rates.

Advanced Realtime Billing
Forest Interactive billing technology includes advanced capabilities in tracking and reporting on SMS delivery receipts and billing events. The live billing platform allows clients to quickly identify which campaigns give a better ROI and therefore where clients should focus their spend.

Latest Technologies
Clients can upgrade their content/service offering secure in the knowledge that Forest Interactive's infrastructure will provide full security and support.

Secure and Robust Network Centre
Forest Interactive's NOC is hosted in a secure data centre at the Netmyne Data Center, with redundant connections to the six Malaysian mobile carriers. This security guarantees Clients' revenue streams.

Value-added Services
Forest Interactive provides value-added services to complement the delivery of the content or service.
These value-added services ensure that the client's products and services are properly supported in the market and therefore are of greater appeal to consumers and mobile operators.
These value-adds includes things such as free test SIMs, a consumer call centre and individual account managers.

Premium SMS : Entertainment

The mobile phone is a perfect source of entertainment for people on the move and also complements other electronic entertainment media by making them interactive. Some examples of mobile entertainment are listed below:-

* Quiz & Games: Entertaining customers with quizzes and interactive games on their mobile phones.

Example: World Cup 2006 Trivia contest - over 400 questions relating to the world cup is created. Participants and football fans sms-in to participate and test their knowledge on football. They gain points by answering each questions correctly, and stand to win prizes if they qualify for the top 10 high score.

* SMS Voting: enables media such as Television, Print and Radio to interact with their audiences and encourages participation. Television voting is very popular for reality-based shows where users are given a

chance to vote for their favorite stars. Millions of viewers have participated in SMS Television voting across Malaysia for popular programs such as Akedemi Fantasia.

* Jokes and cartoons: Mobile phone users can subscribe to daily jokes, cartoons (logos) or fun pictures.

* Mobile video: Mobile video entertainment is not yet widely available in Malaysia but is popular in countries like Japan and South Korea. However, trial services are already being implemented by the local Telco’s and when there is demand by subscribers, it is expected that premium SMS will be used to request and pay for content followed by content delivery over WAP/GPRS.

If you have any 3G content or anything related to launch, please do check with us, as 3G based services are still in the infancy stage.

Premium SMS: interaction made easy

The mobile phone continues to grow in popularity as the most accessible communications device ever, with unit sales in the U.S. in 2003 increasing by 20 percent to more than 70 million, according to analyst firm IDG. But future growth in mobile phone use and adoption will depend on new text messaging services that enable people to interact with broadcast media and receive essential up-to-the-minute information.

The Internet changed people's perception of information and entertainment, which used to be known as things "out there" that were spoon-fed to the general public. The Internet allows people to control the delivery of, and even play a role in, the dissemination of information. Internet users began responding to polls, voting for their favorite new song, sending messages to guests on MTV, and requesting the weather forecast, news and traffic updates on demand, in numbers that couldn't be accommodated through the telephone networks.

Now, mobile phone users can have that same level of participation no matter where they are, using devices that are always within arms reach.

The first short message services (SMS) for mobile phones enabled a person to send text messages of up to 160 characters to another user. While wildly popular in Europe and Asia, these services were slow to develop in the U.S. because of incompatible telecommunications networks, a problem that was only resolved within the last 18 months.

Within the caregory of SMS, there's user-level SMS (friend-to-friend) and premium-level SMS, which is what we'll be discussing in this article.

Premium SMS services distribute useful information requested by mobile phone users through the same network used by standard SMS carriers. Now, instead of using SMS only to stay in touch with friends, mobile phone customers can stay connected to what they view as essential information -- be it stock prices, flight delays, World Cup scores, or the latest soap opera plot twist. Premium SMS messages -- which look just like standard SMS messages -- come in three flavors: "blast" messages that are automatically sent by providers as alerts, "be heard" messages enabling the masses to communicate via polls and interactive chats, and "at your request" text that is sent in response to brief user messages.

Media companies believe that they can reach a wider audience through premium SMS services because more people have mobile phones than Internet access, because people crave news updates wherever they are, and because TV and radio audiences are more likely to pick up the handy mobile phone than go to a computer to participate. Premium SMS enables providers to enhance their revenues by charging customers fees for these new premium information services

Pen5 Studio Equitments

Pen5 Studio ( )

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sempena bulan Ramadan lalu, Kumpulan Perubatan Penawar Sdn. Bhd (PENAWAR) menganjurkan Festival Nasyid Ramadan dan Majlis berbuka puasa di Persada Johor Convertion Center, Johor.
Kumpulan Utusan dan Pen5 Studio turut menjadi penaja bersama festival yang diadakan pada 30 September itu. Idea menganjurkan festival yang pertama kali diadakan ini dicetuskan oleh PENAWAR bertujuan membudayakan kesenian berunsurkan islam di kalangan masyarakat.

Crew Pen5 Studio
Kumpulan As-Syifa (Pemenang)

Camera 2

Camera 2

Camera 1

What is Bulk SMS (

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bulk SMS enables you to communicate instantly with individuals or groups via bulk text messaging. It's the promising solutions for SMS alerting, advertisement, and etc.API is provided with any purchase of our package without additional charges and you can easily integrate it to your web application.

Usage of Bulk SMS:
• New Products Launching
• Announcement / News broadcasting
• Promotions vouchers / coupons
• SMS Reminders

Model Perniagaan SMS

Memperkenalkan satu program bisnes prepaid yang paling dipercayai dan terbukti berkesan. Hanya bermodalkan RM65 untuk yuran pendaftaran, pendapatan yang bakal diterima tidak terbatas. Penjimatan kos prepaid peribadi adalah pasti dan kesenangan membeli prepaid pada bila-bila masa dan tempat begitu memanfaatkan. Inilah MyMode, gaya hidup bisnes terkini!

Syarikat Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn Bhd [618758-H] telah berjaya memartabatkan jenama MyMode sebagai jenama program prepaid No.1 di Malaysia. Syarikat yang memegang lesen kelas pemberi perkhidmatan aplikasi ini [ASP (C)] telah pun diiktiraf sumbangan dan kejayaannya. Penerima "The 4th Asia Pacific / Malaysia e-Entrepreneur Excellence Awards 2005" dan "The 4th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise - Keris Award 2005" sudah cukup membuktikan kemantapan syarikat dan kebolehan bisnes ini bergerak maju ke hadapan.Untuk keterangan lanjut sila klik

Why use Premium SMS?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The use of Premium SMS is growing rapidly as more end-users purchase content and services via their mobile phone. Premium SMS enables you to take advantage of this trend and quickly generate revenue by selling a range of content and services to your customers.
By having the mobile carrier directly bill the end user (reverse charge) and paying out against a predetermined rate, you avoid many of the complexity associated with online eCommerce. Premium SMS is perfect for high volume small transactions.

Info SMS Premium

Ketika diperkenalkan sekitar tahun 90-an, ianya tidak lebih daripada satu lagi bentuk perkhidmatan untuk memikat pengguna telefon bergerak.
Kini penggunaan Khidmat Pesanan Ringkas (SMS) atau mesej teks telah menular dengan meluas. Ada yang menggelarkannya "raja" dalam dunia telefon bergerak dengan popularitinya terutama di kalangan anak muda yang tinggal di bandar.
Di Malaysia, industri telekomunikasi termasuk khidmat SMS dikawal oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) di bawah kelolaan Menteri Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi.

Perangkaan terkini yang diperolehi dari MCMC menunjukkan terdapat 21.5 juta pengguna telefon bimbit di Malaysia di mana 80 peratus adalah pengguna prabayar. Sehingga 27 Nov lalu, 13.1 juta telah mendaftar nombor mereka.
Menurut Ketua, Komunikasi Korporat MCMC, Adelina Iskandar, terdapat beberapa pihak terbabit dalam khidmat SMS, iaitu syarikat telekomunikasi cellular (celcos), dan Penyedia Kandungan (CP).

Syarikat-syarikat celcos terdiri daripada Celcom, DiGi dan Maxis sementara CP adalah syarikat yang menyediakan kandungan serta menawarkannya kepada pengguna.
Syarikat yang ingin menyediakan khidmat SMS perlu mempunyai lesen Penyedia Khidmat Aplikasi (Klas) yang dikeluarkan oleh MCMC.

Dewasa ini terdapat dua jenis khidmat SMS, SMS Biasa di mana pelanggan menghantar pesanan teks kepada pelanggan lain dan SMS Kadar Premium yang menawarkan antaranya data, maklumat, grafik atau imej seperti nada dering, 'wallpaper'dan berita. Khidmat ini lazimnya dicaj menerusi potongan kredit prabayar atau bil pascabayar. Caj untuk kedua-dua khidmat ini tidak ditetapkan.

Terdapat dua jenis SMS Kadar Premium, iaitu bayar setiap muat turun dan khidmat langganan. Untuk bayar setiap muat turun, pelanggan akan dicaj jika mereka membuat permintaan atau "membeli" kandungan. Bagi khidmat langganan, pelanggan akan dicaj yuran mingguan atau bulanan.

Celcos mempunyai jenama khidmat kandungan mereka sendiri yang disediakan menerusi kodpendek bermula dengan 1xxxx atau 2xxxx. CPs pula menyediakan khidmat kandungan ini menerusi sistem Akses Penyedia Kandungan (CPA) celcos dan kodpendek yang digunakan bermula dengan 3xxxx.

"Bagi melindungi pengguna, celcos mengeluarkan garis panduan untuk Penyediaan Khidmat Langganan bagi Kandungan Mobile dan Khidmat (Guidelines on the Provision of Subscription Services for Mobile Content and Services).
"Bagi kuiz dan peraduan menerusi SMS, Kementerian Kewangan telah mengeluarkan Garis Panduan Mengenai Penganjuran Peraduan Bertujuan Promosi Komersil yang mesti dipatuhi.

Dengan itu saya telah memulakan satu projek SMS ini, iaitu keputusan 4D.( )